Woman holding pillows near her face to show how to fix side sleeper face

Side Sleeping Mistake That Could Be Ruining Your Face


Do you sleep on your side? Most people do, but if you’re not doing this one thing, you could be causing all kinds of issues. Sleeping on your side is something many of us need or prefer to do, but it can cause an asymmetrical face, TMJ pain, chronic dental problems, and even recurring headaches. The good news is that avoiding these issues and maintaining healthy facial symmetry is possible.

When you sleep on your side, your jaw—the most movable bone in your face—takes on significant pressure. Unlike other bones in your skull, the jaw shifts easily, especially when pressed into a pillow. Over time, this uneven pressure can result in facial asymmetry (think: slightly higher or lower eye levels, nostril shapes, or lip heights), which can impact your overall appearance and even potentially cause pain.

The trick is all in how you position your pillow. Rather than forcing your jaw to bear the weight of your head, you want to try and shift the pressure to the smarter, stronger, and less mobile parts of your skull.

Here's how:

  • Place the pillow in a way that the pressure is directed more towards the back of your skull or upper side of the head rather than on the jaw.

The Reason for This

The bone structure at the back and top of the head is built to withstand force. They are more structurally sound than the jawbone and act as a shield for the brain. With this in mind, reducing the amount of force placed on the jaw can help reduce the severity of the jaw shifting out of place, and all of the effects that come with that.

Additional Suggestions on Achieving a Symmetrical Face Naturally

This is only one of the many ways to achieve a proper balanced and healthy face. The posture of one’s face throughout the day and sleep, along with the daily activities of a person are fundamental factors of a person’s symmetry level.

If you wish to go further, we encourage you to look into the Face Posture Mastery Program, which covers more complex issues regarding the beauty of the face.
