Adenoid facies is an atypical appearance of facial features caused by persistent adenoid hypertrophy, which is an enlarged adenoid located near the nose and throat. Usually, the adenoid begins to shrink after age 5 or 6, but if it becomes inflamed or remains enlarged, it can cause obstructive nasal breathing, resulting in a longer face, a lack of definition in the chin area, and protruding teeth alignment. If the condition is severe, it is important to seek medical advice from an ENT specialist. However, for mild symptoms, there are steps that can be taken to improve the condition, such as practicing good oral habits, doing facial exercises, and strengthening the muscles around the mouth and chin. With the right care and treatment, adenoid facies can be addressed and managed.
1. Stop Mouth Breathing
Nose breathing is an important step to improve adenoid facies. Practicing mewing, or keeping the tongue up and against the roof of the mouth, can help to make nose breathing easier. Additionally, taping the mouth shut at night can be beneficial in forcing the user to breathe only through their nose. Exhaling from the mouth should be avoided, as it leaves the mouth open and can lead to dry lips and skin stretching over time. It is important to keep the mouth shut whenever possible, even when talking and eating. With regular practice and the right care, adenoid facies can be managed and improved.
2. Lip Exercise
In order to keep the mouth closed, it is important to strengthen the muscles around the mouth. Red muscles are the ones that are overworking, while blue muscles are the sleeping muscles that need to be woken up. Exercises such as Cupid's bow can help to strengthen these muscles and ensure that the mouth stays shut. With regular practice and care, the muscles around the mouth can be strengthened and the mouth can remain closed.
3. Clear Nostril
People with adenoid hypertrophy may have difficulty breathing through the nose. To help make nose breathing easier, it is important to ensure that the nostrils are clear. Nasal rinsing is a great way to do this, as it helps to clear the nasal passages and reduce inflammation. With regular nasal rinsing and the right care, it is possible to improve nasal breathing and manage adenoid facies.
If you are looking to learn more exercises to strengthen the muscles around the mouth and improve adenoid facies, you can check out the Koko Face Yoga app. This app includes a range of exercises that can be done to help improve your facial health. Thank you for watching, and we hope to see you in the next video!