Sleep Tape™

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How to track order?

Please check your inbox for an email from either "LetterTrack" or from us directly, as the sender depends on the weight of your package.

What happens if my package is detained by customs in my country?

Packages shipped internationally (beyond the U.S.) might encounter customs duties or additional charges upon arrival. Please note, we cannot cover or predict these external fees, and they remain the responsibility of the recipient.

What is the adhesive component of the tape?

Both the adhesive and the tape material are crafted from medical-grade silicone (Polydimethylsiloxane, EWG’s risk score is the lowest: 1 out of 10), ensuring safety and suitability for extended use.

Private Sessions

Where can I schedule for a session with Koko?

You can schedule a session with Koko via this page here!

Is this online course only one day 50 min, $350? How many poses Koko will do?

The one-to-one private session is not the same as the Mastery Program. In the private session, Koko will analyze your face and look for:

  1. room for improvement
  2. facial expression habits
  3. face posture, etc

Then, she'll provide specific exercises and tips to help you correct these bad habits. This one-to-one session is $350 USD and 50 minutes long. After your session, Koko will provide a recorded video of your session so that you will have the chance to look back on it whenever you need in order to train. The video is accessible only by you and Koko and will be available indefinitely.

Please see this page for more information on the Mastery Program.

I can read English but I don't speak it very well. For the lessons online live, could I have a translator with me? Also, for online meetings (how many would they be?), it is possible you make an appointment?

Yes, you can certainly have a translator join the online lesson. For the cMastery Program, we do 2 one-hour long practices with Koko and then an audition with a demo client along with Koko.

  1. Purchase the Mastery Program.
  2. Watch half of the required videos.
  3. Arrange a one-hour long session with Koko for practice.
  4. Watch the rest of the required videos.
  5. Arrange the second one-hour long session with Koko for practice.
  6. Arrange a final audition that includes a demo client and Koko.

Mastery Program

What are the differences between the Mastery Program and the Video Only?

We offer a Mastery Program that includes personalized instruction from Koko via Zoom. The program consists of a total of 9 sessions. Once you successfully complete the course and pass the demonstration, you will receive a certificate of completion. As a certified individual, your profile will be included in our sitemap, and you will also receive promotion through our social media platform. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to join our WhatsApp group, which provides ongoing support and regular meetup sessions. However, if you opt for the video-only option, there will be no direct sessions with Koko, and you won't receive a certificate. You can always book an inquiry call with Koko if you need. 

Where can I find information on the Mastery Program?

You can find information on all Koko Face Yoga Instructor Mastery Program here. Please note they're all offered online, on-demand.

Face Yoga Poses Exercises

Asymmetrical Face

Can Face Yoga treat face asymmetry caused by bone structure?

Face Yoga is designed to target muscles. It targets bad facial expression habits and works on waking up sleeping facial muscles (and relaxing overworking ones).  Thus, if it is genetic bone structure, Face Yoga cannot help it.

How can I fix an asymmetrical chin?

We recommend checking out these videos:

3 exercises/tips to make chin more symmetrical

How to fix asymmetrical chin

Reprogram jaw muscles to make your chin and jaw lines more symmetrical 

How can I fix my asymmetrical face?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube channel. If you're still having trouble, consider scheduling an appointment with Koko

I have an asymmetric face. I don't know where I should eat the most from the bigger side (left side) or the smallest side (right side)?

You should still actively chew equally on both sides (50% left and 50% right). The chewing muscle isn't just one muscle. If you eat only on the right side just because it's non-dominant, you're going to develop other muscles around the chewing muscle which will worsen the chewing muscle so try to eat 50/50 on each side. 

We highly recommend checking out Koko's playlist on facial asymmetry and how you can fix it as well as fixing any bad facial habits you may have (this is more important than exercising!).

I've been following Koko's asymmetrical face exercise and it improved a bit, but I'm not gaining muscle on the upper side of my left cheek. Instead, I've gained fat on lower side. What can I do to fix it?

Face Yoga exercise and shiatsu massages are only temporary fixes. For long-term results, we suggest fixing asymmetrical habits in your daily life. For example, chewing and sleeping posture are 2 of the biggest things that can lead to an asymmetrical appearance and learning how to correct chew and sleep for gaining is a symmetrical appearance can help.

The left side of my face the muscles are asleep, what can I do?

When you do the facial exercises, try to do more on the left side. Also, you might be chewing on the right side only so make sure you're chewing properly on both sides. 


How can I reduce mid cheek lines?

We recommend checking out Koko's latest video here

How can I reduce buccal fat naturally?

We recommend checking out this video

How can I make my cheeks fuller?

We recommend checking out this video

I see that wrinkles form around my mouth during the anti-bulldog face stretch, should I be concerned?

You shouldn't be too concerned since those wrinkles do not show up during regular facial expressions (i.e., those you do through out the day); however, if you are concerned about them we recommend using your fingers (remember to wash your hands) to prevent them. 

How can I lift up my cheek bones and lift up corners of my mouth?

to lift up the corners of your mouth, we recommend these video.

My face looks very thin after some weight loss. How can I maintain my cheeks and prevent further sagging with continued weight loss?

We recommend checking out this video

How do I get rid of chubby cheeks?

We definitely recommend checking out these videos for some Face Yoga exercises on how to educe cheek fat and get a slimmer face.

Koko mentioned about the face line/mid-line which can be found in her page; however, I couldn't find it. Any source or info where to download it?

Koko probably meant the mid-line/cheek lines, so please check out this page here for more information on the exercises you can do to target this area.

Doing exercises for fuller cheeks and also for making face look smaller is a good idea or are they for two different purposes and doing both will cancel each other out and I won’t see any difference?

Even if you try to make the cheeks fuller, it won't make the cheeks look fat, but a little bit fuller/younger. It depends on which exercise you do, but cellulite vacuum is not recommended if you want fuller cheeks, other than this it should be good for making your face smaller and fuller at the same time.

I have sagging/drooping cheeks, what can I do?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube videos. The video below or if you're still having trouble, consider booking an appointment with Koko for more information.

I'd like to work on my cheeks, what can I do?

We'd recommend checking out this playlist on Koko's YouTube channel. Likewise, you can try to book a session with Koko or send in a request and we'd be happy to help further.

I need help with sagging cheeks.

Please consider checking out Koko's YouTube playlist covering cheeks as well as this video


Do you have any exercises how go get more low set and horizontal eyebrows?

We do not have a specific exercise targeting low set/horizontal eyebrows, but your forehead muscles might be overworking upwards causing this. If you want to lower the eyebrows, we suggest relaxing the forehead, see this video.

What can I do to fix my asymmetrical eyebrows?

We recommend checking out these videos below, but if you're still having trouble then we highly suggest you book an appointment with Koko here.


I want to use the eye patch, but I don’t know if I should patch the non-dominate eye or dominant?

You should only patch the dominant eye since you're trying to train the non-dominant eye. Please check and review Koko's video.

Can I do Face Yoga if I recently got under eyes fillers?

As long as you don't touch your skin, you should be okay. Remember to not do any shiatsu massages as they could move the filler.

Do you have any exercises to get more hooded eyes?

We also recommend checking out these videos here and here on hooded eyes.

Does the video called "how to make your eyes bigger" really work?

While we don't have any before/after specifically from this exercise, you can see the positive feedback left on YouTube from other viewers.

How can I fix festoons?

We recommend checking out this video

How can I get rid of hooded eyes?

We recommend checking out this video

How can I lift up my eyes? I feel like they are slanted downwards.

We highly suggest trying these 3 videos.

How can I remove eye bags and tighten the skin under the eyes?

We recommend checking out this video

How do I fix heavy eyelids?

We suggest checking out Koko's videos on how to improve saggy/droopy eyes here.

I have hollow/sunken eyes, what exercises can I do to fix that?

We recommend checking out these 2 videos. 1 & 2

I have very loose skin under my eyes with hollow and little eye bags as well. I also have blue vein that is appearing under my eye and I want to fix it. What do you suggest?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube channel here or reviewing the videos below. If you still need help, consider booking an appointment with Koko.

I want aegyo sal/tear bags with bigger eyes. Which exercises should I do?

For aegyo sal/tear bags, we recommend this video

I would like to get bigger eyes, what should I do?

Please check out this page and this video on Koko's YouTube channel for more information!

Is there a way to get monolids?

Koko highly recommends that if you already have double eyelids, to keep them. As she explains in her Face Yoga Method, it is one of the 5 mountain/valleys. Since she recommends double eyelids, she does not provide any information on monolids.

Is this any Face Yoga for dark circles under my eyes?

We recommend checking out these video

What are some effective remedies for symmetrical eyes?

We recommend checking out the videos (we added asymmetrical habits you may be doing that cause asymmetrical eyes so be sure to check that one out as well!): video 1 & 2

What can I do to fix wrinkled eyes?

Please check out Koko's playlist here and consider these videos: Reduce Tiny Wrinkles, Reduce/Prevent Inner Eye Wrinkles, and 2 Kinds of Wrinkles for more information. 

Whenever I do the hollow eye exercise, I feel a heaviness on my forehead like a mild headache. Is this normal?

It's not normal. If it only hurts when you're doing the exercise, we suggest holding the painful areas with your fingers while doing the exercise. Afterwards, we also recommend massage that area for extra benefit. However, if the mild headache is present when you're not performing the exercise, we'd recommend checking in with a doctor if it continues.


I want to lift up my forehead, what can I do?

We recommend watching these two videos. 1 & 2

I'd like to get rid of forehead wrinkles, what do you suggest?

We recommend checking out this video

Is forehead shiatsu exercise with knuckles is top down or bottom up?

This is a wonderful question! It should be top down. Koko never does bottom up, but if she did bottom up in the past it is incorrect. She did not know at the time although now she has been taught to do top down. We hope this helps!

Lately I’ve gotten some lines on my forehead. They have made me so insecure, I hope you can help.

We highly recommend checking out these video. If you're still having trouble though, we suggest booking a session with Koko.


Are marionette lines or laugh lines reversible? Or is there a way to reduce them?

We recommend checking out these two videos. 1 & 2

Exercises for lips and eyes.

We recommend checking out Koko's playlist for eyes here and her playlist for lips here.

How can I get fuller lips?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube playlist here that includes many videos on how to achieve fuller lips.

How can I get fuller lips? Eliminate wrinkles around the mouth?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube channel here or if that doesn't help, booking a session with Koko.

I have noticeable nasolabial fold, what can I do?

We highly suggest checking out Koko's video.

Why are vertical lines forming from my lower lip and how can I prevent them from getting worse?

We recommend watching this video to learn why those lines may be forming and how you can prevent/reduce them.

Why is making an O-shape with the mouth and looking up for ten seconds not good for the philtrum?

It is not good for the philtrum because it stretches it which can lead to saggy skin and a larger/longer philtrum. Confusion of this might come from the nasolabial folds, but those folds are "smile lines" and are actually a different area than the philtrum, which is the groove between your nose and upper lip.


Do you have any exercises for neck cords or stringy neck?

We highly suggest giving this video a watch

How can I work the area under my chin/upper neck area?

We recommend checking out these two videos. 1 & 2

I have a sinewy and hollow neck that is aging and very noticeable in photos. What exercise should I do?

Be sure to check out Koko's entire Neck Exercise playlist here. We also recommend checking out this video.

I have neck lines, what can I do?

We suggest checking out this video from Koko on "Vertical Neck Lines" for more information/exercises you can do to reduce them.


How do I fix an uneven maxilla and a tilted nose bone naturally?

Koko recommends checking out this video below in order to help with those 2 concerns.

I want to make space between my nose and upper lip , what do I do? I think it's called the philtrum area.

We recommend not doing anything as the philtrum area will become longer with age anyways. If you have a short philtrum area, you're very lucky and it's best not to do anything to it.

How can I reduce my nostrils like make them smaller?

We recommend checking out this video. In the case you're also considered about other common nose concerns, we also recommend this video.

How can I get rid of the bump at the tip of my nose?

We recommend watching this video.

I’ve watched your video showing how to make the middle area of the nose smaller. I’ve been trying the exercises but it made it bigger and I wasn’t even pressing hard at all. Is there any other exercises I can to reduce the size of the middle area of nose?

We recommend checking this out. We do keep studying from other masters, so if we find any new tips, we will be sure to announce on YouTube

My nose is way too sharp and large, floppy and my nostrils are also big. What nose exercise do you recommend for getting thinner nostrils and a smaller nose?

We definitely recommend checking out Koko's YouTube playlist here as many of her videos there address this topic.

Should I do the nose slimming breathing exercises daily? Or can I stop after a month of results? Or is this continuous?

It does depends on the conditions, but consistency on a regular basis is key for success. Ideally everyday, but perhaps in the future you will not need to do as many as you do now.

How can I slim my nose and reduce nose fat?

We recommend checking out these two videos 1 & 2

How many reps am I supposed to do a day for nose exercises?

It does depends on the exercise you are performing, but at least 1 to 5 per day.

I want to make my nose size smaller and straight, what do I do?

We'd recommend checking out this video and below for more information. If you're still having trouble, we suggest scheduling a session with Koko.

I have a big nose, what can I do to fix it?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube channel here. If you're still having trouble though, we suggest scheduling an appointment with Koko.


Any exercises for a plumper face? I feel like my face is very flat.

While there's no specific exercises targeted towards plumping up the entire face, we suggest checking out these videos on how to achieve fuller cheeks, lips, etc. Videos 1,2

Can Face Yoga fix scars or scars from surgery?

Unfortunately, Face Yoga cannot fix scars. We highly suggest seeking medical advice for this.

Can Face Yoga help with facial hair?

Face Yoga targets overworking and sleeping muscles, so it generally cannot help in regards to facial hair as hair growth (or reduction) is due to hormones and other bodily factors. Koko does have a video discussing her own personal hair growth journey here.

Can I do Face Yoga even if I've had fillers?

Yes! We do not recommend doing any Shiatsu Massages though if you've had fillers.

Can I do Koko's Facial Exercises and/or Massages if I have rosacea or thinner skin?

That's a wonderful question! You certainly can, but in case wrinkles show up when performing the exercises, try to prevent them with your fingers.

Can I mew with dental prosthesis and will it achieve the same results?

Yes, you can mew with dental prosthesis and achieve the same results. Don't hesitate to check out more of Koko's videos on face posture and mewing here .

Can I perform Korugi massage while I do Face Yoga?

As we don't know too much about Korugi massage, we think it might be alright to do with Face Yoga. As with any massages though, we highly recommend using some type of lubricant so you do not cause friction on your skin.

Can I still practice mewing even if I have braces?

That's a great question and rest assured you can still mew with braces and/or Invisalign. Don't forget to check out the video for some helpful advice if you have braces:

Can teenagers do Face Yoga?

Yes, teenagers can do Face Yoga! We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube playlist on Face Posture since teenagers may not have to do as many exercises as adults, it is great to get ahead start on correct face posture.

Do you have a daily program to follow that works all areas of the face, but on a day-to-day basis?

Currently we do not have, however, Koko did just launch Face Yoga 101 on Amazon Prime, free to prime members, that we encourage you to check out.

Do you have a recommended daily routine? I wasn’t sure which ones to do everyday and for how often?

We do not have a recommended daily routine, it really comes down to the areas you are concerned with. We do suggest that you work on your face posture though as that is something we need to keep each and every day. Additionally, each exercise should be done at least 1-3 times a day, but that can increase depending on your area of concern. If you're an Amazon Prime member in the US or UK, you can watch Koko's Face Yoga 101 episode for free.

We always suggest scheduling a private session with Koko as she can analyze your face thoroughly about:

  • Room for improvement
  • Your facial expression habits
  • Your face posture®, etc

while providing specific exercises and tips just for you! The sessions will be done through Zoom, which you will receive the link in advance. Afterwards, you will receive a recorded video of the session within a week so you'll always have something to review.

Does Face Yoga help/work?

It truly does! Check out these before/after photos on our website. Of course, results will very for everyone depending on practice and personal characteristics, but just as training your bodily muscles you train your facial muscles as well. Please check this video.

How can I do the long breathe exercise? I cannot last as long as Koko!

The long breathe exercise does take some time to learn. Even doing the exercise for a short amount of time is fine because the more you develop the muscles the longer you'll be able to do it later on.

How can I fix saggy skin on my face?

We recommend checking out Koko's video covering Sagging Skin and perhaps this playlist for more information.

How can I get rid of loose skin after sudden weight loss?

We recommend checking out this video.

How can I have a bigger, wider and fuller face?

We recommend checking out the videos from Koko, but if they still don't provide the help you're looking for, we suggest scheduling a session with Koko.

How can I keep my face relaxed when I'm sleeping? How should I sleep?

We recommend these two videos 1 & 2. If you still need help, we suggest scheduling an appointment with Koko.

How can I learn more about mewing?

We recommend watching these four videos to learn more! 1, 2, 3 & 4.

How can I smile more beautifully?

We recommend checking out these two videos. 1 & 2

How do I get rid of resting B face?

We highly recommend watching the video on how to have correct face posture as most times this concern is causing by incorrect resting face posture.

How do I prevent wrinkles from all over the face?

We recommend checking out these two videos 1 & 2 for general wrinkle reduction and Koko's YouTube channel. Always trying to incorporate daily facial exercises and massages during your skincare routine would also be a great way to reduce and prevent wrinkles

How long should I do Face Yoga every day? Also, how long should I be doing the exercises?

In general, you can perform any exercise each day. The frequency depends on how much of a concern you have for what the exercise is targeting. We recommend performing the exercises 1-3 times a day. Many times Koko will tell you how long to hold a pose or how many reps to do for the exercise. Each person is unique so it is hard to create a routine around Face Yoga for everyone, which is why it's better to schedule a private session with Koko for a more personalized approach.

How long will it take to see results from Face Yoga?

We apologize we cannot give you an estimate on when you will start seeing improvements. We know for some they've seen improvement in a week and others in a month. Each person is unique so the time it takes can vary quite a bit. Always make sure you're doing each exercise daily (minimum 3 times a day) and most importantly, correctly.

I have aging lines and wrinkles on my face. Do you guide me daily that from which exercise I should start doing facial yoga? Can you provide me with step by step instructions?

For a more customized experienced, we recommend scheduling an appointment with Koko.

I have Bell's Palsy, what can I do?

If it's recent, we suggest Koko's buccal massage video. However, if it's been more than 6 months, you can start some daily exercises, but it is important not to overwork the overworking muscle so we suggest you book an appointment with Koko.

I have braces, what exercises can I do?

First, we recommend checking out this 5 Warnings video for those with braces:

Any exercises that involve the inside you should be careful or not do at all. For example, we recommend not performing the Cellulite Vacuum slide if you have braces. In general, as long as you're not harming the inside of your mouth, you can perform any exercise.

I need guidance on facial exercises, what should I do?

We recommend checking out Koko's YouTube channel. If you still can't find what you're looking for, we highly suggest you book an appointment with Koko.

I need help with the Masseter & Buccinator muscles.

Massaging the jawline can help relax the overworking muscles. Also, please check this video out for reducing TMJ pain.

I want to buy a face lifting mask, but is it good for the face or not?

Those items might work as a temporary solution, but the results are only temporary. If you want to maintain the results, we highly suggest you do some exercises.


Are there any intense exercises to reduce hypertension in the chin?

In order to reduce chin tension, it's not only about exercising since that means overworking the already overworked muscles. Instead, we recommend to try doing more cheek exercises so that you will move the tension from the chin to cheeks.

Can one get rid of double chin when one has a weak jaw?

Absolutely! As with every exercise though, always be cautious and if you feel unnecessary pain, don't continue. Check Koko's latest video on how to eliminate a double chin.

How can I get rid of cleft chin?

We recommend checking out this video from Koko and if you're still having trouble suggest scheduling an appointment with her.


Does facial exercise also focus on muscle relaxation? I really struggle with tension on my jaw. I have to wear a night guard.

We know Koko has done a video on TMJ pain in the past, which you can check out here. We also recommend checking out these videos on muscle relaxation near the chin/jaw line especially.

I'd like to fix/work on my jawline, what do you recommend?

We recommend watching this playlist on Koko's YouTube channel; however, if you still have questions, try booking a session here or sending in a request.


What does Koko think of silicone patches for the face?

Koko has never used silicone patches for the face, so she isn't able to provide any information on this topic.

Which sunscreen does Koko use/prefer?

Koko actually uses many different sunscreens, but her most recommended and the one she likes the best, are physical blocks like those in this video because they're the strongest.

How are commissions paid to affiliates? Cash or Paypal?

Commission fee is 20% and will be paid through PayPal manually on the first Monday of each month. If the first Monday falls on a holiday, then the payout will be made the following business day.

Has Koko had any fillers, botox, or other surgery?

Koko did have surgery on her chin many years ago. As she mentioned, the surgery came with complications and it eventually left her chin distorted. Her trouble with this is what led her to Face Yoga and the many benefits it provides.

She has had botox, but that was a couple of years ago and was done in order to experience what botox was like so that she would have a better understanding of it and be able to relate with any clients who also had botox/fillers.

My face is not photogenic. I look great in the mirror but in photos, it looks bad. Why? What can I do?

Koko actually made a video on this topic! We recommend giving it a watch.

Has Koko done a video on how to use an ice face roller?

Koko has never used an ice face roller before so we don't have any specific feedback on that, however, the most important thing to remember when uses devices on the face is that you're taking care not to cause too much friction and or stretching of the skin.

Can I buy the book and send internationally or is only available for eBook?

You can purchase the book yourself through our store, but you would need to ship the item your self to Belgium as we cannot offer international shipping at this time. Alternatively, you can purchase through Amazon and have the order fulfilled by Amazon as well.

What does Koko think about the Gua Sha tool because she collaborated with Supercilium for eyebrow care advice?

A Gua Sha tool can be very helpful in reducing tension in the muscles because sometimes our knuckles of our hands are too thick to penetrate deeply and target smaller muscles, so it might be more useful to use Gua Sha. Always be careful though and pay attention to any friction or stretching of the skin.

What does Koko think about facial tools like purelift/nuface, refa or conture kinect skin toning, nuvibe/uplift roller, etc...?

Koko has never tried those facial tools before, but she highly recommends trying your best not to cause friction against your skin when using them. Also, be careful of stretching the skin with using facial tools as that can lead to saggy skin.

Where can I download the Face Yoga App?

Please visit this page for more information.

Is it safe to use a fascia face blaster?

We at Koko Face Yoga have never tested it, but as long as it does not cause friction it should be fine. Try your best not to cause any friction on your skin.

I currently use your Face Yoga App and I wanted to ask if the exercises are in the best order already?

Hi there! Currently, there's no particular order for the exercises. We do recommend doing the warm-up first though, otherwise it's up to your concerns. Remember that keeping good face posture is one of the things you should do all the time though.

I want to cancel my Face Yoga App subscription. How do I do so?

Please be advised that we cannot cancel your subscription for you due to data and privacy laws of the iOS and Android markets. In order to cancel your Face Yoga App subscription, please follow the steps provided here (Apple devices) or here (Android devices)

When I exercise at the gym, the results of Face Yoga fade away due to the pressure of weights. Why does this happen?

When you are in the gym, you might be very tired so you are not keeping good face posture. You might be doing bad face posture/facial habits like grinding. We suggest trying to be more conscious about your face posture at the gym.

If making expressions can give you wrinkles, how does Face Yoga help prevent that?

Hi there! Currently, there's no particular order for the exercises. We do recommend doing the warm-up first though, otherwise it's up to your concerns. Remember that keeping good face posture is one of the things you should do all the time though.

Does Face Yoga reshape your nose?

Face Yoga and massaging can help the nose become straighter and slimmer, but please do not expect a big change such as that that you would get with plastic.

I was wondering if I could translate your videos into Arabic because many people want to know more about face yoga but they don't understand English?

Yes, of course you can translate Koko's videos into Arabic. We welcome any translations someone wants to add to Koko's videos so that more people can know Face Yoga! To add translations, you simply need to follow these instructions.

  1. Click on the 3 dots next to the Save button
  2. Then, click on Add Translation
  3. And finally, add your translations!

Where can I buy the pillow Koko uses?

You can purchase the pillow Koko uses here.

Do you have any skincare products?

Yes, we do! You can check them out hereview more information.

Do you provide Mastery Program?

Koko does provide a Mastery Program for Face Yoga. You can view more information regarding this.

Where can I learn about/get done a dry scalp massage in Paris, France or online?

We recommend contacting our dear friend Sayuri about getting a head massage and/or reaching out to Takara Belmont who may offer professional classes for use with their system although we suggest emailing them for further information.

Where can I schedule for a session with Koko?

You can schedule a session with Koko via this page!

You'll need to navigate to the calendar section:

Then, you'll need to select the date and time you're looking for. After, you'll be asked to enter some additional details and your payment information. Once you've added this and confirmed, your appointment will be scheduled and you'll receive a confirmation email.

Where can I buy your Yoga Book?

You find and purchase Koko's book! However, be aware that there is a Face Yoga Paper whereas the book introduces various beauty/health methods such as walking, diet, etc.

Where should I begin?

We definitely recommend just browsing and checking out Koko's YouTube channel for more information. Don't forget there's also a Face Yoga app available free to download.



I was charged for a subscription after the 3-day trial. What happened?

Please note we do have some additional information on our subscription in this article and in the photos provided below.

Each user is informed that the 3-day free trial is only available for the yearly subscription. There are also further subscription details mentioned in the description of our app (shown in attached screenshots) per Google Play and Apple store policies. If you have a subscription and would like to cancel, consider following the steps mentioned in our other help article.

Sometimes there are inherent issues in both Apple and Google Play's systems that cause different problems for some users. Sadly, they do cause our developers trouble and we're always trying to create a solution until the stores sort the issue out in their code, so if you have an active subscription, but the videos are not showing as unlocked we recommend checking out this article for more information.

Don't hesitate to email us at any time with bugs or room for improvements with our app, we appreciate any feedback we receive.

How do I purchase a subscription?

You should be prompted to purchase a monthly or yearly subscription when trying to click on any locked exercise. Additionally, when you first open the app, you'll be greeted with a introductory slideshow that'll end with asking if you'd like to purchase a monthly or yearly subscription option.

How can I get a refund for the app?

Please visit these pages for more information on how to receive a refund from Apple or Google/Android. We apologize that we cannot issue refunds directly as the Apple store and Google Play-store prevent us from doing so.

Please also read Google's refund policy as there may be cases in which a refund is not possible.

App Issues

I keep receiving an error message when I try to add my "5 Concerns" or update them.

You're more than likely receiving this error message because you're not logged into your app account. Please check out this article on how to create an app account and/or log into an existing one.

Once you are logged in, we suggest navigating to the More menu and selecting the third option Change my 5 concerns where you can reselect or update your concerns. Once you've hit submit, you should be able to navigate back to the Yoga menu where the daily set will appear. If these steps do not help resolve your issue, please let us know.

Please note that there is currently an issue where the login options are not entirely visible on dark mode (although they're there, we're currently working on addressing this though!), but if the device's light mode is turned on, the login options will appear more clearly on screen.

Can I use the app on the computer like Windows PC or Apple?

Unfortunately at this time, our Face Yoga App is only available on mobile devices and some tablet devices. We recommend visiting the Apple and Google Play store for more information on compatibility with your device.

How do I update my profile on the App?

Once you've created an account through Google, Facebook, Apple, or email, you'll want to navigate to the More menu and locate the Profile option.

Once you've located this, go ahead and select it to be taken inside to the profile area. If you have not already added a First and Last name, you will be asked to submit these details.

Otherwise, you will see your current information and the option to edit.

How do I create an App profile?

There are currently 4 ways in which you can sign-up and create a profile on the app. Please review the steps below on how to navigate towards the login/account creation screen.

  1. Navigate to the More menu
  2. Select the Sign In option
  3. Select which option you would like to sign-up with. You can select from signing in through Google, Facebook, Apple, or email. Note that the Google, Facebook, and Apple account creation options do not allow you to create a password as they're based on your Google, Facebook, and Apple account profiles. Each of these options will be set-up via that platform and does not guarantee that your Koko Face Yoga App account will use the same email address.
  4. Once you have created your account and are signed in, you will now see a Profile option in replacement of the Sign In option. Select the Profile option and update your details as desired.

If you run into any issues in creating a profile, we recommend these troubleshooting methods:

  1. Completely closing the app on your device and reopening the app.
  2. Uninstalling the app, restarting your device, and reinstalling the app.

Don't hesitate to email us as if you are still have trouble creating an account. Please include a screen recording of the issue that is occurring and your device information (example: Apple iPhone X) as this will help us process your request faster.

Where can I find the Symmetry Analysis Test in the app?

Once you've downloaded and installed our Koko Face Yoga App, available free to download, navigate to the Home section. After this, you'll want to scroll all the way down to section 10. Symmetry. Once you've selected this section, you should see a large purple button called Take Symmetry Test. This will be where you can analyze your facial symmetry!

If you're experiencing any issues in taking the test, please contact us at with the following details so we may better assist you:

  1. The email associated with the app's login
  2. Your device's operating system (Apple, Android, etc)
  3. Device model (iPhone X)
  4. Screenshot or screen recording of the issue

I cannot figure out how to use the AI feature on the app, can you help me?

Our current AI feature is also called the "dots" feature. In some exercises, such as exercise 4.1 Outer Cheek Lift, you'll be able to see this feature. If you take a look at the exercise, you'll see two white dots on Koko's cheeks. When you click on the "try myself" button near the bottom of the screen, you'll be taken to another screen that'll show the dots on your face. You'll want to click on the icon near the lower righthand corner that looks like a little head. Once you click on that, you'll be able to use the arrows to adjust the dots to the correct position on your face. If you need more information on this, there's a "i" icon located in the upper righthand corner that contains a short explanation.

How much can I save if I choose the yearly subscription option on the app?

There are currently two subscription options available on the app: monthly and yearly. See the breakdown below:

  1. Monthly cost is $9.99 USD.
  2. Yearly cost is $99.99 USD.

If you pay on a monthly basis, you will spend a total of $119.88 USD per year ($9.99 x 12 months). However, if you pay on a yearly basis, you spend a total of $99.99 USD which is a savings of 16.59%.

How do I purchase a subscription on the app?

First, we recommend downloading our app from this page. You'll find a link for the Google Playstore and Apple Store. Once you've downloaded the app, you should see a "purchase a subscription" option when you try to watch a video that is locked. Follow the prompts and after payment, you should be able to enjoy all the content on the app!

Here is the prompt that'll ask you which subscription option you'd like, easily selectable is a yearly or monthly option:

I have an app subscription, but my videos are not unlocked. What should I do?

Before performing the steps below, do make sure you are using the latest version of the App. It is possible there is an update that needs to be done. After you've checked that your App is using the latest version, please follow the troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Select the "restore subscription" option located in the More menu first.
  2. Try logging out of the app and logging back in.
  3. Checking to make sure your device's storage permissions are unlocked for the app. Here is how to do so for Apple systems and here is how to do so for Android systems.
  4. Uninstalling the app, restarting the device and reinstalling the app.

If you've followed these steps already, but are experiencing the same issue, please email us at with the following details:

  1. The email associated with the app's login
  2. Your device's operating system (Apple, Android, etc)
  3. Device model (iPhone X)
  4. Screenshot of your subscription receipt or app subscriptions page showing your current subscription
  5. Screenshot or screen recording of the issue

My app has no sound. How do I turn on sound?

The Koko Face Yoga app actually does not come with any sound, so there's no way to turn on any sound. We're always enjoying getting feedback on the app though, so don't hesitate to email with your app feedback!

Is the app free or does it require a subscription?

The Face Yoga App is free to download and you'll receive 5 unlocked videos upon sign-up and another 3 if you share the app. However, in order to unlock all content you'll need to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription.