Thumbnail for '5 Facial Chiropractic™,' showcasing images or icons representing the top five facial chiropractic techniques.

5 Facial Chiropractic™

Facial Chiropractic™ is a technique used by Japanese chiropractors to improve the aesthetics, symmetry, and reduce jaw pain in their patients' faces. It has gained popularity among females in Japan over the past couple of decades. The technique involves adjusting the jaw and other facial bones to correct asymmetry and align the facial features.

One of the main focuses in Facial Chiropractic™ is the adjustment of the jaw. The jaw is considered to be the root cause of facial asymmetry, as it is the only bone in the face that moves significantly during activities like speaking, eating, and yawning. By identifying the dominant chewing side and any asymmetry in the jaw, individuals can work on correcting the imbalance. Techniques like jaw adjustment exercises, symmetrical mewing, and using external pressure, such as the palm or yoga mat, can be employed to realign the jaw.    

Another aspect of Facial Chiropractic™ is cheek adjustment. The cheekbones are connected to the jaw movement, and asymmetry in the jaw can affect the positioning of the cheeks. By assessing the symmetry of the cheeks and performing specific adjustments using techniques like palm pressure or yoga mat exercises, individuals can work towards balancing the appearance of their cheeks. 

Additionally, the technique involves palate adjustment, but it is important to note that this can be dangerous and should only be attempted if one knows what they are doing. By checking the curvature and height of the right and left palate, individuals can identify any differences. If necessary, they can use techniques like symmetrical mewing and lifting the lower palate to address the asymmetry. However, caution should be exercised, and if there is any pain or uncertainty, it is best to avoid attempting palate adjustment.

It's crucial to emphasize that while these techniques are being shared, it's important to exercise caution and not perform any exercises that cause pain or discomfort. It is always advisable to consult a professional before attempting any self-adjustment techniques, especially those related to the delicate structures of the face.

Now let’s move on to the 5 Facial Chiropractic™ Techniques.

1. Jaw Adjustment

We're going to address the jaw as it plays a significant role in causing facial asymmetry. While asymmetrical eyes, unbalanced cheeks, and tilted lips may appear to be the primary culprits, they are not the root cause. The jaw is the main factor behind asymmetrical faces. Unlike other bones in the face that are sturdy and do not move much, the jaw is highly mobile. It is involved in various facial functions such as speaking, eating, and yawning. Even though it's natural to have some degree of asymmetry due to dominant and non-dominant sides, minimizing asymmetry requires attention to the jaw. To identify your dominant side, pay attention to which side you chew on more frequently. 

Please refrain from attempting the following technique if it causes any discomfort or pain. It is crucial to exercise caution and avoid excessive force, as it can lead to undesirable consequences. If you experience any pain or irregularities in your face, it's best to wait until you have fully recovered before proceeding. 

In my case, I find it helpful to place my hand on the opposite side of my jaw while performing the exercise. You can inhale and exhale gently, ensuring your tongue is relaxed and maintaining some distance between your upper and lower teeth. You can also experiment with other methods to find what works best for you. It's important to note that this technique provides a quick fix and may not yield long-lasting results.  

Asymmetrical habits can develop due to various factors, so it's beneficial to incorporate additional practices into your routine. Consider performing these exercises regularly, even for just a few seconds, throughout the day. Another effective method involves using a yoga mat to help realign the jaw by applying gentle pressure. Remember to focus on the jaw area and maintain proper tongue posture with a slight gap between your upper and lower teeth. Deep, slow breathing for a few seconds can also enhance the effectiveness of these exercises. By incorporating these techniques, you can achieve a more balanced bite and promote symmetrical mewing.   

For a more comprehensive face yoga routine, consider exploring our Koko Face Yoga daily courses, available every day of the week. Additionally, the Koko Face Yoga app offers personalized exercises tailored to your specific concerns, along with symmetry analysis. If you're interested in delving deeper into these practices or even becoming an instructor, we also offer an instructor certification program. Visit our website for more information. 

2. Cheek Adjustment

The second technique for achieving facial symmetry is the cheek adjustment. Begin by observing your cheeks and feeling for any variations in their prominence or position. Although it's true that certain areas of the face have limited mobility, the cheekbones can indeed move. However, their movement is influenced by the asymmetry of the jaw. As mentioned in the previous technique, jaw movement plays a significant role in facial symmetry, and the cheekbones are interconnected with other facial structures. 

To address asymmetry in the cheeks, place your palm on the lower part of the affected cheek. Adjust the angle of your hand slightly downward rather than upward, ensuring gentle pressure is applied. Another method involves using your fingers to exert inward pressure on the cheek. Remember to maintain proper tongue posture with a relaxed position and some space between your upper and lower teeth. Inhale and exhale while focusing on the cheek that requires adjustment. You can repeat this exercise a few times, but avoid excessive force or any pain. If you're sitting at a table or desk, you can also perform this technique by placing your hand on the surface and leaning your cheek against it. Concentrate on the cheek that requires correction, applying gentle pressure to that specific area. Keep in mind that the goal is to adjust the prominence or position of the cheekbone. 

When using a yoga mat, position it in a way that supports the desired adjustment of the cheekbone. Perform subtle movements, shifting the cheekbone by a few millimeters, and maintain proper tongue posture with relaxed breathing. It's important to note that facial asymmetry can occur in individuals of various ethnicities, regardless of Asian or non-Asian backgrounds. The exercises outlined here are beneficial for anyone seeking facial symmetry. 

Remember to assess your individual asymmetry before attempting these techniques, as incorrect application may worsen the condition. Regular practice and mindful execution will yield the best results.

3. Palate Adjustment

The third technique focuses on the palate, but it's crucial to approach it with caution as it can be potentially dangerous. If you're unsure or don't notice any differences, it's best to avoid this technique. Please exercise discretion and refrain from attempting it if you lack experience or knowledge. 

If you decide to proceed, use your tongue to examine the right and left sides of your palate. Pay attention to any variations in curvature, height, or overall shape. Determine if one side feels more arched or elevated compared to the other. Typically, the dominant side of the tongue influences the symmetry of the palate. By practicing proper tongue posture, known as mewing, you can encourage the dominant side to rise and achieve better balance. However, it's important to note that the dominant side isn't always higher; this varies from person to person.

In my case, the right side of my palate is slightly wider and higher, while the left side appears more recessed and flatter. Take note of which side resembles your own experience. Once you've identified the characteristics of your palate, you can proceed to lift the lower part of the affected side. However, I must emphasize that this technique can be highly risky and potentially harm other areas if not performed correctly. If you experience any pain, refrain from continuing. I cannot assume responsibility for any negative outcomes, so proceed with caution.

To initiate the adjustment, locate the specific area where you feel unevenness or irregularity. You can use either the tip of your tongue or a finger to apply gentle upward pressure. If using a finger, place it on the lower part of the affected side, but avoid pressing on both palates simultaneously. During this process, maintain a relaxed breathing pattern with inhalation and exhalation. You may also move your tongue or finger slightly within the affected side to facilitate the adjustment. It's worth noting that touching the palate with a finger can be an alternative approach to the tip of the tongue. However, it's essential to exercise care and awareness throughout the process.

The goal is to encourage balance and alignment, not to force or strain the palate. As always, if you feel uncertain or experience any pain, it's best to discontinue the technique.

4. Tongue Alignment

This should be done after you adjust it. If you don't do this first,  you don't wanna do this suddenly without doing the other step. So chiropractic numbers 1, 2, and 3 are more like adjustment steps, and numbers four and five are more like straightening it after you adjust.

So, I like to move my jaw. Up and tongue up. I am going to try to put the tongue up to straighten our facial posture and the bone structure too. You wanna adjust this tongue muscle straight though. You're gonna put this finger here and then one. Two, three, open your chest, and shoulder down, and then unless you have neck pain, close your eyes and look up at the big stretch on the neck and then straighten.

5. Chin Adjustment

The 5th technique addresses concerns related to a longer face with age. 

To counteract this, assume a specific position by aligning your posture and adjusting the tongue. Start by placing your elbow on a desk or surface for support. This position can make it easier to perform the technique effectively. With your chin lifted and in a slightly elevated position, ensure that your tongue is pressed against the roof of your mouth.

Maintaining a good posture and tongue placement is crucial throughout the process. By doing so, you create a foundation for the following steps. To begin the adjustment, gently apply pressure to your chin, lifting it upwards. It can be helpful to use a yoga mat or a similar soft surface for comfort. Gradually increase the pressure while keeping your chin aligned with the rest of your face. This controlled force helps to address facial asymmetry and counteract the effects of aging.

It's important to note that attempting this technique without first addressing any underlying asymmetry may worsen the condition. Therefore, ensure that you have already performed the necessary adjustments before proceeding with this technique. By doing so, you optimize the potential benefits and minimize any potential risks. As you apply pressure to lift your chin, remember to maintain proper tongue posture throughout the exercise. This combination of adjusting the jaw and maintaining tongue placement helps address the natural tendency for the tongue and jawbone to move downward with age.

By incorporating this technique into your facial chiropractic routine, you can work towards maintaining a balanced facial structure and counteract the effects of aging over time.

In summary, the five facial chiropractic techniques for symmetry are:

1. Jaw Adjustment: 
Focus on aligning and balancing the movement of your jaw. This technique is considered the most important one. 

2. Cheek Adjustment:
the symmetry of your cheeks and make adjustments by using gentle palm pressure or yoga poses. Maintain space between your upper and lower teeth during the exercise.

3. Palate Alignment:
Check the curvature and height of your palate and, if needed, lift the lower palate using the tongue or finger. This technique requires caution and should not be done if you experience pain.

4. Tongue Alignment:
Perform facial exercises to strengthen and tone the muscles, improving overall facial symmetry.

5. Chin Adjustment:
Adjust your posture, lift your chin, and apply controlled pressure to counteract the downward movement of the tongue and jawbone associated with aging. 

It's recommended to try these techniques consistently for a few weeks to observe any noticeable differences. Personal experiences and feedback are welcome, as they contribute to learning and improvement.

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