Thumbnail for '5 Tips to Reduce TMJ Pain', offering strategies and exercises to alleviate discomfort associated with temporomandibular joint disorder.

5 Tips to reduce TMJ Pain

Today we will discuss the basics of "mewing", which refers to maintaining correct tongue posture as coined by the renowned Dr. Mew. Proper tongue posture involves placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth, specifically the palate, rather than the bottom of the mouth or between the teeth. This is because when the tongue fully touches the palate, it helps lift the maxilla bone, resulting in a lifted face with numerous benefits. Conversely, if the tongue is placed on the bottom of the mouth, the weight of the muscles pulls the face downward, leading to a sagging appearance. It is crucial, particularly for young individuals still growing, to master correct tongue posture. Here are five tips to help you easily achieve proper tongue posture. TCH loooong hours. That's why it's worse. It can be worse than grinding.

Hi everyone. Today, I'm going to talk about five tips for TMJ pain. TMJ pain is the jaw pain. So when you drop your jaw like this, you might feel some, clicking sound or some pain. If that's happening to you, or when you're just very stressed or nervous or something, you feel some a lot of tension, which is not really good. So that's called that's I call it TMJ pain. I know that there are many exercises or massage technique just to reduce the pain and then reduce the tension in here. But those are, I think, temporary result. You have to keep doing it, doing it, doing it rest of your life to fix it. So to me, I think it's very, very important to fix the, the facial habit, bad facial habit that contributes to TMJ pain so that you don't have to suffer the pain.

Number one, TCH teeth contact habit. This is what I learned from my Japanese dentist. And I know it's a little bit controversial, but I think, and the doctors that I work with to, to develop the koko face method, they agree that we should not do TCH teeth contact habit. So check your teeth, close your mouth relax, and then close your mouth. And then, then upper teeth and lower teeth should be touching or not touching? The answer is should not be touching. It's a little bit tiny, tiny, tiny one millimeter, or maybe even less than one millimeter. Very, very little gap between all the upper teeth and lower teeth all the time. I learned that TCH habit teeth contact habit. When your face is awake, when you're awake can be worse than grinding because grinding, grinding when you sleep is maybe 20 minutes or 30 minutes only, it's not like hours, right?

It's stronger pressure, but it's not hours on the other hand, TCH teeth contact habit is very light pressure, but you are doing it like, I don't know, 20 more than 23 hours a day, including when you're awake. And then also when you're sleeping. So that's light pressure, but longer hours, that's why it's worse, It can be worse than grinding. Even if you're doing the braces, your teeth should not be touching. I checked with my dentist that I've been working with to develop the method.

Number two, tongue posture aka mewing correct tongue posture. So the reason why mewing tongue posture is good. By the way, if you don't know what tongue posture mewing is, check my other video first. Cause you need to understand what it is first. Assuming you already know and trying to do it and let's talk about it. So the reason why I like mewing and it helps TMJ pain, is that the reason why you get the TMJ pain is this risorius, masseter and the chin muscle those are overacting too much, too hard. And it's the chin muscle is always down, down down for TMJ, especially this risorius, masseter is out, out, out, out, out out.

So you wanna relax, this unnecessary tension. The red one is unnecessary tension, over working muscle and the blue is a sleeping muscle, right? Um, so in order, in order to reduce this tension, the tension has to be, has to go somewhere. The answer tongue. It's not that strong tension, but when your face is resting, if the tongue is touching on the palate, which is this here, and then, you get a good tension in maxilla, this yellow part, instead of here, instead of this temporalis and the jaw area, instead of you get the unnecessary tension here you get here, which is correct, correct place to have good tension. That's why mewing really helps to reduce TMJ pain I think.

Number three, the less you move your chin the better because when the chin is the jaw is dropping and then you use this muscle and the bone is like, um, like this, this, this, this, right? Then this cartilage is gonna kind of, um, what's the word shrink. It, it's gonna be smaller. And without this, you get pain. That's the TMJ pain. It's in my understanding, please challenge me, please, correct me if I'm wrong. But I think a bit basic ideas is correct. So that's why you don't wanna move your jaw. And I know I've seen some exercise to move the jaw, to reduce TMJ pain, which doesn't really make sense to me. But anyway, I've seen that. So you don't wanna move your jaw or chin when you're talking, when you're yawning, yawning is kind of a hidden, hidden enemy, underrated thing. People don't really talk about it, but when you're yawn, it's a big, big mouth open, right? Wide open It's not wide, but more like longer. And then so much tension here. So if you haven't watched my how to yawn video please check that because it's important to, I think it's important to do yawning correctly, basically quick summary. You don't, you don't wanna do because it's painful. You don't want, you wanna do instead of ahh.

Number four, the less move your mouth when you're talking the better. Because if you might be speaking like E when you say E, E, E, E , masseter, this is the one you don't wanna use right? This the red one right? So even when you say A, E, I, O, U this is a good example cause I'm trying to lift up A, E, I, O, U try not to show lower teeth. But lots of times, if I'm not concious and I see everywhere from other people too but A, E, E, I, O, U chin muscle, those are bad guys that you wanna relax. So even when you say O and then dropping your jaw right? O, O, O, and you might hear some clicking sound. The less you move your chin the better, the less move you're, the less you move your mouth the better. I learned from a singer they, they told me that the, when you're singing, you're not supposed to, you don't really have to make big mouth to have a nice voice because where you resonate the, the voice is nasal cavity, not here or here. So the size of the mouth doesn't matter. The only timing that you can have a wide mouth open is a big, big laugh and dentists only.

Number five, 11th massage so why do we need to do 11th this one, this massage to try to reduce the tension in here, even though we are talking about this one. Why? Because all the face is connected. If you have lots of tension here, which is very, very common, and then probably you have a lot of tension in here too. So if you wanna do massage, I think massage is good.It's a temporary temporarily reduce pain. So I highly recommend you might want to do it at night. And, but in addition, if you wanna do you want to do this one. When you do skincare, you wanna, you wanna reduce the pain, not the pain, but the bump one, two corrugator. This one is always in, in, in that stuff, red one, this one. So you find the bump. It's not bone it's a muscle tension. So when you do skincare apply skincare and then wanna really, out, out, out and out, out, out in addition to this massage. Even though I said, massage, are temporary effect, temporary result, I think it's good to do, especially at night because you don't wanna, you wanna relax the facial muscles when you sleep so that you will not have to grinding. And also I did the face face meditation, which I hi-highly recommend.

If you wanna really relax the face before you sleep, check it out. Those are five tips to reduce the pain in the jaw area, temporomandibular joint TMJ. And so the first one is TCH and mewing to reduce the tension from risorius, masseter to the cheek area maxilla. And the number three was do not drop your jaw. Number four, was as a little mouth movement, mouth movement the better. The last one was the massage even this one, because it's related. If you haven't checked our face yoga app yet, please try it. It's free download available and free trial for three days. And also I'm doing instructor certification course. If you're interested in becoming teaching face yoga method. So please check my website out, um, thank you so much see you in the next video bye.
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