Thumbnail for 'Face Meditation', introducing techniques that combine meditation with facial exercises to enhance relaxation and improve facial aesthetics.

Face Meditation | Reduce Unnecessary Tension, Wrinkles And Stress From The Face, For Face Posture

Welcome to face meditation. Please keep watching the screen until I say close your eyes.

There are 2 kinds of facial muscles in your face. The red are overworking muscles and the blue are sleeping muscles. In this face meditation, we are going to relax the overworking muscles to reduce unnecessary wrinkles, sagging and stress.

For breathing, I recommend eye breathing. The left is traditional nose breathing. The right is eye breathing. As you can see, your nasal cavity is a big empty space that can hold a lot of oxygen, so when you breathe in from the nose, try to inhale all the way through towards the back of the eyes, then come out from the nose. So by fully breathing into the nasal cavity, you receive more oxygen than regular nose breathing.

Now close your eyes, and let's continue the eye breathing.

Take a deep breath from the nose through the eyes, and out from the nose. In, out, in, out, this is your normal breathing.

Then let’s reset your body and face posture.

Position your head over your butt. Open your chest. Shoulders down. Keeping good body posture is the first step for good face posture.

Next, Tongue posture

Keep your tongue up on the palate fully. ⅓ of the back of the tongue should be gently pressing up on the palate. This is very important to lift up your heavy skull to prevent sagging.

Chin. Slightly tuck in your chin, so it’s easier to keep good tongue posture.

Mouth’s corners

Slightly lift up the corners of the mouth. You should not be smiling big, but the corners of the mouth should align straight horizontally or keep a very very tiny smile all the time.

Inside the mouth, upper teeth and lower teeth should NOT be touching each other. Keep a very tiny gap between them at all times.

This is your face posture during the meditation.

Now let’s relax the overworking muscles one by one.

Forehead. Forehead muscles are often moving up, up, and up. So gently stroke your forehead with your fingers from top-down, not bottom-up but top-down. 1, 2, 3

Eyebrows. Eyebrow muscles are often moving inward, which creates 11th lines. So with your fingers, gently smooth out the lines between the eyebrows to the outside. 1, 2, 3.

(advanced )Eyes. Inhale from the nose through and behind the eye socket, and out from the nose. Keep doing the Eye breathing.

(advanced: push back/out to relax, move eyeballs inside out)

Nose. Keep doing the eye breathing, so inhale from the nose through and behind the back of the eyes and come out from the nose. (advanced: stroke nose down)

Cheeks. Cheeks are sleeping muscles that need to be woken up, so create some good tension there by sucking the tongue up on the palate and lifting corners of the mouth slightly up. Keep this good tension in the cheeks at all times.

Lips. Relax the lips, but keep a slight lift up of the mouth corners. Imagine that only the upper lip is doing the job. Your lower lip does not exist.

Chin. Relax the chin. Your tongue is fully sucked up on the palate and keeps the mouth’s corners slightly up, so forget the chin. Your chin doesn’t exist. Now slowly open your eyes. Try to keep good face posture when your face is resting. Positive face posture equals positive mind posture.
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