Thumbnail for 'Fuller Cheek Exercises And Tips', with exercises and strategies to enhance cheek volume for a youthful look.

Fuller Cheek Exercises And Tips

In today's discussion, I'll address the topic of achieving fuller cheeks, as per Julia's request. Hollow cheeks can occur due to various reasons. One common cause is simultaneous weight loss in the body and face, which unfortunately affects facial fat more prominently as we age. However, I understand that gaining weight back may not be an ideal option for many. Another factor to consider is the overactivation of the masseter muscle, the jaw muscle, which can result in a square face shape and stretched skin in that area. Consequently, this leads to bumps and a hollow appearance. To combat this, it's crucial to reduce tension in the masseter muscle. In the following section, I will share three exercises and tips to help alleviate this tension and promote fuller cheeks.

1. Cheek Vibration

First, let's discuss cheek vibration, which is an effective technique for relaxing facial muscles, particularly the masseter muscle responsible for a square face. This is different from lip curl or lip vibration. Cheek vibration involves larger movements than lip curl, creating a vibrating sensation in the cheeks. To perform this exercise, imagine shooting air from your cheeks, emphasizing a bigger movement rather than moving to the side or front. If you find it challenging, start with a gentler vibration. Eventually, aim to achieve the desired level of cheek vibration.

2. Buccal Massage

Next, let's discuss buccal massage, or as some pronounce it, buccal massage. This technique involves massaging the inside of the mouth to relieve tension. There are five points to focus on, as taught by a respected Japanese acupuncturist. It's not necessary to target specific areas, simply address any tension you feel inside your mouth. However, be cautious not to stretch or open your mouth excessively, as that can lead to wrinkles or sagging. Keep your jaw movement minimal. To perform the massage, wash your hands, close your mouth, and focus on the inside. Use circular motions on the five points, then reverse the direction. Pay special attention to the area where dimples would appear. Remember, your mouth should be slightly open but not excessively so. Refer to the DAO video for more details on the fourth point.

3. Bad Facial habits

Tip number three is to stop engaging in bad facial habits that worsen TMJ (temporomandibular joint) issues, teeth grinding, or contribute to a square face. This is a crucial aspect because even if you perform exercises, continuing these bad habits will hinder your progress. One important habit to adopt is mewing, which helps reduce tension from the masseter muscle to the cheeks. If you haven't watched my mewing 101 video, I recommend checking it out. Some people worry that mewing can result in a more masculine or square face, but this is unlikely. If you experience such changes, it might indicate unnecessary tension in the wrong areas, typically caused by grinding or teeth contact habits. Please refer to my video for more details. Another topic worth discussing is wisdom tooth extraction. In a video with Dr. Afzali, a holistic orthodontist, she emphasized the importance of careful consideration before opting for wisdom tooth removal. According to her, having more teeth is generally better, as removing wisdom teeth can lead to dental misalignment and potential hollowing of the jawline.


In summary, we discussed three important tips for achieving fuller cheeks and improving facial muscle tension. First, cheek vibration involves larger movements to relax the masseter muscle and can be achieved by imagining shooting air from the cheeks. Second, buccal massage targets tension inside the mouth using circular motions on five points, paying attention to the dimple area. However, be cautious not to stretch or excessively open the mouth. Lastly, it's crucial to stop bad facial habits that worsen TMJ issues, teeth grinding, or contribute to a square face. Adopting proper habits like mewing can help reduce tension in the right areas. Additionally, wisdom tooth extraction should be carefully considered, as preserving more teeth is generally beneficial for dental alignment and jawline appearance.

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