Hi everyone. Today, I'm going to talk about two major smiling muscle that you're supposed to lift up for beautiful smile and other three muscles that you might be overworking. Special thanks to Dr. Thoria who is teaching me a lot. Thank you so much. So let's learn the smiling muscles.
Smiling muscle number one, zygomaticus major. It's more like an outer cheek muscle. So it's like this here. When you say S like S S S S S S. You're supposed to be using this big muscle outer cheek muscle. So say, S, and imagine that you're using this blue guys here. S, do you feel it?
The second muscle for smiling is zygomaticus minor. It's easier. Zygomaticus major and minor. Minor is a little bit more inner muscle. So it's not here, but a little bit like here this guy, and then say F this time, but not F F F F F, and try to create like a little bit duck lip on the upper lip, so feel the, um, use the philtrum part, curl it up.And then when you do, when you say F you use, you feel this muscle. In fact, there's nothing called LAO levator anguli oris but it's very tiny one. It's hard to find out. So I think for now, for simplification purpose S F S [inaudible] Zygomaticus major and minor those two, just remember those two are responsible, responsible for beautiful smiling. Then, let's move on to the bad muscle. I mean, not the bad muscle. Bad musc- not bad, but overworking. Commonly overworking muscle that, uh, worsens beautiful smile that can wear some beautiful smile. So it's important to know.
Overworking smiling muscle number one is E smile. E smile with this risorius E and masseter muscle over developed like E and I did before, did a video about E smile and V smile. So if you haven't watch that, please check that. But basically when you, lots of people, including myself a little bit too, but E you might be showing lower teeth E. If you have, if you have to show lower teeth, when you smile, you're definitely using this risoris and masseter muscle.Let's just call it E muscle to simplify. E. And even if you're not showing the lower teeth, you're closing your mouth, but E I'm not showing lower teeth, but E E E no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not good. Because when you do this, E is pulling to the side. So you get more some lines. And that this is always overworking muscle out, out, out and lots of tension here. So you might get a TMJ pain when you, uh, when you drop your jaw, you might hear some clicking sound or some pain so you cannot open your mouth bigger, or could be, you might grind or so many bad things happen. So try not to do that E one, always this, Z major and the minor, those cheek muscle are the one who are responsible for beautiful smile.
Overworking smiling muscle number two. Here levator labii superioris alaeque nasi so long, just call it Nasi, because it's nasal so Nasi. This guy is always working, moving up.like squinting in the, in the here. And that causes a bunny smile. Bunny smile is cute for bunny, but not so cute for adult people. It was so cute when I was kid, but I'm not kid anymore. I'm 41 years old, so I cannot, I shouldn't do this, but I still do that. So that's why a little bit of wrinkle here. And also if you're concerned about the bun-, not bunny smile, gummy smile, ah, ah, gummy smile that is coming this guy, this Nasi is acting up, up, up. So you want to relax that. Basically when you smile, you want to relax this Nasi, and I'm going to do some dedicated video about how to fix, um, bunny smile and gummy smile. So if you're interested, stay tuned.
Overworking smiling muscle number three. This crow's feet, it happens to everyone. And if that's the case, you want to prevent it like this, or like this, whichever easier for you. I'm going to do like this. You feel the two muscles here, right? And then smile down smile down smile down. So basically try to remember the make the brain remember that you're not supposed to act here. This should be relaxed. That's why you use a finger. And in our Vasiliki's video, if you haven't watched the Vasiliki video, this is amazing. So please do so, but she was teaching this one, and this is great too. So same thing. And so basically, if you're not concerned about crow's feet, you don't have to put your finger in here. But if you're concerned about this crow's feet, you want to put something in here to stop it. And if you're concerned about nostril become bigger, you want to do this. So it depends on which kind of pose. It depends on your concerns.
And the other thing I like doing, sometimes I do is when you do skin care, you, might, you will hold it. And then iron the lines up, up, up, up, up, and then up, up, up, up, it's like a shiatsu massage thing. Like not like big one, you don't want to, you don't want to do stretch. You don't want to stretch the thin skin. So you hold it. And then out not out, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, just to iron the to reset the muscle memory. So those are in summary two smiling muscle zygomaticus major and minor, just say cheek muscle, outer muscle and inner muscle and three overworking smiling muscle could be this Nasi like these it's not good. And E muscle, risorius masseter, and the last one was crow's feet. I hope it was useful.
So if you haven't got my yoga paper yet, please do so it's free download on my website kokofaceyoga.com. And the book is available, sugar oil for skin is available. App is available, AI Koko is available. So we added a new cool feature on the app. Now you get personalized menu for your concern, and it changes every day. And we add in tracking daily tracking so that you are motivated to do so and reminder. So you can choose what time you want to be reminded to do exercise. And those cool features are added. So please try it free download and see you in the next video. And I think I'm going to do the gummy smile and the, uh, bunny smile in the next one.
See you in the next video. Bye.