Thumbnail for a blog post titled 'Improved Facial Symmetry', showcasing the journey and techniques used to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance through exercises and lifestyle changes.

How I Improved My Facial Symmetry

In this video, I'll share five tips and exercises that have helped me enhance my facial symmetry. I received a wonderful comment from Savannah, who noticed the improvement in my facial symmetry compared to my older videos. Over time, I've accumulated numerous videos on my YouTube channel, and it's clear that my face has become less asymmetrical and better than before. It's not just Savannah, but many others have also made similar observations. Let's delve into these tips and exercises that have contributed to this positive change.

1. Symmetrical chewing

Symmetrical chewing is crucial for improving facial symmetry, and this advice is widely supported by dentists and doctors. When you eat, it's essential to focus on chewing your food thoroughly and evenly on both sides of your mouth. Aim for a balanced 50/50 distribution on the back teeth before starting the chewing process. I recently created a video on proper eating techniques, which includes the latest information on this topic. If you haven't already, I recommend checking it out for more detailed guidance.

2. Symmetrical mewing

Is an important aspect of achieving proper tongue posture. If you're unfamiliar with mewing, I recommend checking out my videos on mewing 101 and tongue posture 101 for more information. Often, many people, including myself, tend to have a bad habit of uneven tongue placement. For example, the tongue may be higher on one side and lower on the other, leading to an imbalanced head rotation. To address this, it's crucial to practice symmetrical mewing. The goal is to position the tongue evenly on the palate, as asymmetrical tongue posture can result in issues such as the tongue being too far forward or too far back. It's important to maintain balance and avoid exaggerating the tongue's position.

3. Tongue movement

Proper tongue movement during chewing is extremely important for achieving facial symmetry. The jaw joint is the only joint in the face that moves, and it is involved in essential functions like eating, speaking, and smiling. When this joint is moved in an asymmetrical way, it can lead to an asymmetrical face. That's why it's crucial to be mindful of symmetrical eating. Along with maintaining a 50/50 distribution of chewing between the left and right sides, it's also important to consider the position of the tip of the tongue. Ideally, the tip of the tongue should rest in the middle of the palate during chewing. This helps to address any dominant side imbalances and further enhances symmetry.

4. Body posture

Regarding body posture, I'm not an expert, but I've observed that many people tend to put more weight on one side due to head rotation. This can result in asymmetry, and I've discussed this in another video specifically focusing on sagging on the right side. If you're interested, you can check it out. In my case, I'm a "left sagger," meaning my left side tends to be lower. To address this, I aim to maintain a more balanced weight distribution, both when standing and walking. It's not easy, but I'm more mindful now. You can determine your dominant side by checking the pressure points on your thumb or examining your shoe wear. Once you know your dominant side, you can work on using the inner side of your body more, rather than relying on the outer side. This helps activate the dormant muscles and achieve better balance. Specifically, focusing on the kickback motion, aim for a 50/50 distribution of pressure. I also try to avoid crossing my legs, but if necessary, I alternate and limit the duration. Additionally, as an Asian, I often sit in a cross legged position, but I make an effort to switch sides every 20-30 minutes.

5. Back sleeping

In this discussion, I'll focus on back sleeping. I've done two comparison videos on pillows specifically designed for back sleeping, like the Your Face Pillow and Sleep and Glow's Aula pillow. These are the only ones I know of that cater to back sleeping. It's important to note that I personally cut my pillow to adjust its height, which worked well for me. If your pillow is too high, you can consider doing the same. Now, let's recap the five tips I've been using to improve facial symmetry. First, practice 50/50 chewing. Second, maintain a symmetrical tongue posture in the middle of the palate. Third, chew with the focus on the middle of the palate, avoiding asymmetrical movements. Fourth, pay attention to walking with a 50/50 kickback pressure distribution. Lastly, consider adopting back sleeping as a preferred position. Give these tips a try if you haven't already, as they have helped me enhance my facial symmetry.


achieving facial symmetry involves various factors such as symmetrical chewing, proper tongue posture, balanced tongue movement during chewing, mindful body posture, and back sleeping. Symmetrical chewing entails evenly chewing food on both sides of the mouth, while symmetrical mewing focuses on maintaining balanced tongue posture in the middle of the palate. Tongue movement should be mindful and centered to promote facial symmetry. Mindful body posture, including weight distribution and using the inner side of the body, contributes to overall balance. Back sleeping, supported by specially designed pillows, is recommended for improving facial symmetry. These tips have been effective for enhancing facial symmetry and can be explored further for personal benefit.

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