Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about the great exercise and face tip to lift up the corners of the mouth. I am a big fan of good face posture and I really believe in it because even if you do some exercises each exercise is like 10 seconds and 3-5 times per day, you do it per day so if you’re doing bad face posture all the time and corners your talking all the time, you don’t gonna see the result I promise I guarantee that, so it’s very very and more important to keep good face posture, especially the corners of mouth a little bit up because of so many reasons, if you corners of the mouth is a little bit up you are going to reduce to jaw and everything is a little bit up and it’s easy to keep the tongue posture up as well, if you don’t know what tongue posture is check my video, tongue posture and you can find other videos or tutorials but anyway, it is so important to look really positive and nice and especially now under quarantine, self isolation every body having so much stressed by this corners of the mouth a little bit misunderstands that you are happy, you’re positive and you’re fresh! So even if you are stressed, even if you are sad or something just falls the corners of the mouth just a little bit up so that your brain thinks misunderstand that you are happy and then you officially become happy. Make sense?
Also, with age, the corners of the mouth starts sagging, that is normal aging symptom because of the muscle deterioration so we need to fight that, we need to fight against the muscle deterioration because yeah, when this tag, and your brain thinks your unhappy and you’re official become grumpy person. Do you want to be grumpy person? I don’t want to be!
First, relax your face. Do that grumpy face on purpose. Like this… sag the corners of the mouth on purpose. Like this… stick out your lower lip on purpose like this… This is the worst face on purpose and then up! Use your finger to lift up the corners of the mouth and if you are concerned with the asymmetrical mouth like me use your finger to support, to lift up, to line up, so that it becomes more symmetrical like this…
Are you tired? You should feel some fatigue, otherwise it’s not effective, so let’s do it again, like this.. on purpose… This time try to relax the chin because the lower lip is out, it’s easy to cause chin tension, I don’t want to have tension here I want to have tension here only, so let’s be mindful about the chin tension, forget about the chin, like, feel, think the chin is dead or something, so let’s do it…
You should feel some fatigue. I always do this example… Drop the wait…lactic acid…is happening in the face, so you should feel some sensation when you release it. So if you’re concern about mouth corners are sagging a little bit, please try this exercise and also more importantly , keep the corners of the mouth a little bit higher when your face is resting, this is your default setting, resting face posture, you don’t want to do resting bitch face, you want to resting bitch face, you want to resting beautiful face.
I am going to do another exercise to lift up the corners of the mouth in the next episode, so if you’re interested in stay tuned. If you’re interested in other exercises check my website Koko face yoga.com to free download this yoga paper, book and sugar oil is available, app is available as well! Thank you so much! See you in the next video! Bye!