Fully touch on the face line, like here and then do the eating slowly.
Hi Everyone. Today, I'm going to talk about how to fix asymmetrical way of eating to more symmetrical,because I believe one of the most common factors causes to make our face more asymmetrical is asymmetrical way of moving our facial muscles in asymmetrical way every time you eat because everyone a lot, not everyone, but a lot of people eat something every single day, right? And if you'reusing the muscles properly and then in asymmetrical way, of course you're going to get asymmetrical face. So I think this is very, very important. If you are concerned about asymmetrical face, keep watching. I hope you have watched my other video about how to eat properly. I'm assuming you have done that. I'm going to move on. If you haven't watched that, please do, because it's very important.When you eat, get the item and then distribute 50%, 50% on the both sides.That's one thing. And then inside the mouth on the palate, the tongue it's not like in the middle, of course you have a, the texture of the food, the amount of the food, lots of things changes. So it moves around, but basically it should move around in the middle of the palate.
The new exercise I would like to try with you. So if you have something to eat, please do get to something small, like nuts or something and then eat. Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.Hmm.Then use your hand. I mean, wash your hands first and then fully touch on the face line, like here and then do the eating slowly. And I see that, not see them, but, feel the movement on the jaw bones.And then you can real, really tell which one is more working hard and which one is more less working hard. So the point is you find out how asymmetrical, asymmetrically your face facial muscles are moving especially this jaw bones and then do slowly try to make it as symmetrical as possible. That's that's the point. So let's try again. [inaudible], back of the teeth and then my tongue but use your fingers hand fully them slowly. Mmm Mmm. I feel like that I might be using more on this side. So now I know now I know, so I can try to fix it. Hmm Hmm. Hmm.Ah, yeah. I have a tendency to use more this here. No, no no not good, but if you don't know what to fix,you cannot fix anything. But now you know which one is more overworking, which one is the less working. So you can try to chew more, not chew, but the chew chew more as symmetrical as possible.For example, in my case, even though my tongue is always, I'm very conscious about it, always in the middle of the palate, but I feel more here.
This one, this guy's a moving. So if I put a little bit tension on this side, it become more symmetrical.And other things you can do is not, this one is not eating, but just same thing with your fingers, hand fully on your side of the face and then slowly drop jaw. Is it asymmetrically moving or symmetrically moving? Mm. So do slowly. And you don't, you don't want to drop too much because the less you move your chin the better. So this is just for that, for the practice. So you don't do this in a regular life life, but,um, try this slowly, slowly drop your jaw and then feel the movement of this bone, then try to make it asymmetrically moving down as possible.If you haven't got this free yoga paper, please do so free download on our website kokofaceyoga.com and a book and the sugar oil, app is available. We actually added a lot, bunch of new. Most of the exercises are in the app. So, um, please try it if you haven't tried it. And uh, what else? AI Koko Is still available. So please ask any questions to the robot. And if the robot cannot answer, I will answer.
Thank you so much. See you in the next video, bye.