Side Effects From Wearing Night Guard
I want to discuss the potential side effects of wearing a night guard. As I'm not a medical professional, I may not have all the information. Please feel free to correct me in the comments section if you have any additional knowledge.
1.Saggy philtrum and wrinkle
I want to highlight a potential side effect of wearing a night guard for too long. Over time, the skin can become stretched out and cause the philtrum area and mouth to protrude. This happens because the night guard is worn for eight hours every night, for a long period. When the guard is removed, the stretched out skin can sag or cause wrinkles. I used a night guard over 10 years ago, and although it was uncomfortable, I got used to it. However, I felt a strange sensation, and I'm not sure if my philtrum became longer because of it. I have also heard similar feedback from clients who wear night guards. It's not recommended to wear them for an extended period, and I believe they are only a short term solution.
2. Grinding
One important potential side effect of wearing a night guard is that it only protects the teeth and does not address the root cause of grinding or clenching. If the purpose of wearing a night guard is to improve jaw alignment, then it may be beneficial, but if it is only for tooth protection, it is not fixing the underlying issue. Some people may continue to grind so much that they need to keep replacing their night guard, which does not solve the problem. It is important to develop good habits during the day, such as mewing, to prevent grinding at night.
3. Stress
I've been wearing a night guard for a while now and I've noticed some negative effects. Even with a customized fit, there can be discomfort and tension around the mouth. It's not a natural position for my jaw and can even cause frowning. Plus, I've found that it makes breathing through my mouth easier, which isn't good. While it's a useful temporary solution for preventing teeth damage and jaw alignment issues, it shouldn't be relied on as a permanent fix. Instead, I recommend trying out other techniques to eliminate bad habits while sleeping, like mewing. Wearing a night guard for too long can also cause muscle clenching and stress, leading to further problems. In fact, I'm feeling a bit low key today because I accidentally hit my nose during exercise and it's still painful.
Wearing a night guard for a long time can cause a saggy philtrum and wrinkles. Night guards only protect teeth and do not address the root cause of grinding or clenching. Wearing a night guard can also cause discomfort, tension, and stress, leading to muscle clenching and further problems. It's important to develop good habits during the day and not rely on night guards as a permanent fix. Techniques like mewing can help prevent grinding at night.