Koko Hayashi explaining why and how to breathe from your eyes, with a demonstration on eye breathing techniques.

Why You Should Breathe From Eyes And How To Do So

Hi guys today I'm going to talk about why you should try to breathe in and breathe out from the eye instead of nose, instead of mouth. Breathe in and breathe out from the eye. Why should do that and how to do that?

Number one, you can breathe in and breathe out more fully, fuller by doing so, so the thing about you know fascia.

I did a video about fascia before so if you're interested check the link in the description below but fascia is a like a layer on the muscle, it's all connected like skin on the muscle in the inside the body in the la you have lungs right and then fascia on the lungs is so connected to pppp pppp pppp pppp and inside the face and it's connected to here, back of the eyeball or behind the eyeball like like here here yeah so because if fascia is so connected to up to here and then if you try to breathe in and breathe out then you activate the fascia here so you can fully more fully breathe in and breathe out which means you get more oxygen you get more nutrients. It improve the blood circulation in the face because before if you breathe in and breathe out only from here it's kind of stopped here but if you do from here to up to here you activate the fascia and the fascia delivers good nutrients and oxygen which is good for all over the face because instead of here it's more here.

But for real it's impossible to breathe in and breathe out from the eye right so I'm not saying you should do that for real but I'm just saying imagine that you are breathe in and breathe out inhale and exhale from back of the eyes.

Number two, you get more bigger defined look around the eye if you want to have more bigger eyes, define look or more clearer double eyelid or prevent double oh not double, prevent, reduce the symptom of droopy eyes you should definitely do this because it helps because we now breathe in and breathe out from the eye, we activate the fascia, not just fascia of the muscle of the killer so killing muscle right pppp pppp it's all around the two eyeballs and because of that those sleeping muscle are now awake and then you get more bigger defined look.

By the way when you breathe in and breathe out it's better to do try to do from the corners corners of the eyes not inner corner but outer corners of the eyes because outer corners always more sleeping and this is more light up because we do this facial expression and attention is happening and yeah so we want to use more sleeping muscle here, this is kind of overworking and this is sleeping so try to breathe in and breathe out from the, ideally the corners of the eyes.

Number three, because now we train this up killing muscle you will reduce or prevent Botox wrinkle here because when, when you open your eyes as big as possible or look up or something and we tend to depend on this muscle because this muscle is deteriorated it's weaker so by building more muscle here when you open your eyes you don't have to depend on. You don't have to use this forehead muscle or eyebrow muscle by the way when the eyebrow muscles are moving it's very likely that you're gonna get this muscle too. Like you don't wanna have a like angry eyebrow thing right? When this is moving this is moving too because so close so connected and yeah so if you can if you breathe in and breathe out from the eye especially the corner end of the eyes you activate this more muscle and then when you look up when you look like this open our eyes as big as possible without moving. Can you do that? Try it without moving eyebrows, if you can, that's great if you cannot ,which means your, this muscle is deteriorating, is sleeping, so try to wake up and activate by breathing in and breathing up from the corners of the eyes.

So three reasons why you should breathe in and breathing out from the eye and how to do it, how to do it, try to imagine it's not for real so just imagine you're doing it from the end of the eyes, corners of the eyes, behind, like here yeah not here but it's more like here yeah!

Thank you very much for watching! If you're interested in more exercises, check my free download my yoga paper on my website face yoga at koko.com and get my book and sugar oil and be sure to check my other social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, Tiktok.

Thank you very much see you in the next video! Bye!
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