Left diaphragm is a smaller, thinner than the right one. And then you see big muscles sternocleidomastoid muscle SCM is having a lots of, lots of, lots of tension to look forward.
Hi everyone today I'm going to explain why your left side is more saggy than the other. As you may know, I am a face yoga instructor. So when I teach, I try to analyze my client's concerns and the facial expression and all that. And I realized that a lot people are concerned about left size is more saggy than the other. And I was wondering why there's a pattern like this. And another pattern interesting is, is that right corners of the mouth. It's more sagging the other one, and it's happening to me too. I tend to show more lower teeth on the right side than the other side. So that the two things that I realized like a pattern, that lots of people are concerned.
So I started some research and I think I found the answer and how to fix it. The answer you are supposed to be asymmetrical because we have the right brain left brain work differently for different purpose and dominant hand nondominant hand dominant eye nondominant eye, but not just that recently I learned about the organs. Body organs are diff those are asymmetrically asymmetrically positioned. So this is my simple drawing. And as you can see on the right side, there's a big river liver, not river, but the liver, sorry, I'm not US native. So I still have hard time pronunciation between R and L because I'm Japanese. Anyway, liver is pressing lifting up your diaphragm, which is a red one diaphragm so it's easier to breathe. And then the right side, you have a big heart heart, heart, and this heart is heavy and importance is it's working in pressing down the diaphragm.
So left diaphragm is a smaller, thinner than the right one. So right diaphragm is bigger and stronger and thicker. Because of this structure reason when you stand up or sit down, even you might be doing it like this, cause it's easier to use. This is the right side and left side. So easier to use this side. So when you're standing, you might be doing this, this like really compressed here and the pressure in this side and use the right diaphragm more than this one in your posture might be like this. And I been looking around outside. It's lots of people, right side small tilting down and left size is up. I'm exaggerating, of course, but if we can please try now, you don't have to stand up. You can sit down or you can stand up too but try to do more like exaggerated version exaggerate like this. And then when that happens, your pelvis is tilted to this side a little bit, right? A little bit like this. So if I exaggerate this, like this, like this, and then because of this position, if you want to look straight, you have to do like this.
Let's do it again. So do like this cause you're pressuring on the right side and then pelvis is tilted a little bit. So it's like, like this it's easier. And then try to, instead of looking right side, you want to look forward, so like this, like this cause I'm exaggerating of course, but this, and then you see big muscles sternocleidomastoid SCM is having lots of, lots of, lots of tension to look forward, to look front. And then of course this has an overworking muscle and less overworking. This is overworking. So when this is overworking tension happening, this is connected to your face on the temple bone. So it's like the, this muscle SCM is pressing in and out
When that happens this side is more in, in, in, so it's pulling it back in and back. So it's more smaller face and left side is becoming more loose. So it looks bigger. And when the, um, when the fat it's bigger than this one, the muscle is loose. So it's more sagging, right? And then because of the gravity, you get more sagging. And the other thing, not just the bigger and the saggy on the left side, but I realize that a lot of people and more saggy on the right corners of the mouth, more sagging the other side, because it makes sense because this is so constricted pulling. So of course this is connected. Everything is connected. It's really close to this SCM right so it's literally like, eh, because of this, [inaudible] like this. That's why we have more corners of the mouth, right side, somewhat sagging and showing more lower teeth than the left side and left side is more bigger and sagging. So If you think your left side is bigger and sagging and the corners of the mouth is more right side, some more sagging or something like that. Keep watching. Um, because there is some solution and I'm still studying a lot. So let me know if you are interested in more, want to know more detail, but basically, because we are tilting on the right side, always that's super simple easy fix. I mean, it's not quick fix, but easy. The first step is stop, stop sitting, stop pressuring on the right side. When you stand, when you sit or something. Yeah. So stop doing like this balance more left side. ahh right not that. Yeah. Left side. Right side left side, right side alternate. It's a balance because it's important to have. I mean, it's impossible to have asymmetrical stand all the time like military stand all the time, this is impossible. It's not practical. And you are not supposed to do that because of the organ structure that I explained. So it's okay to have this side this side, but try to do, try, stop doing the right, right stand. Stop doing the right stand. That's my message. And right sit or right stand and do that left one more than you think. Because most of the time you are doing the best one. So try to alternate. It's not that again. You're not supposed to be asymmetrical, but it's good to it. If you want to have asymmetrical, if you want to have a symmetrical face and body, it's important to balance on the both side, use the both side.
If you still have some doubt about this theory. You can check other people when they are standing, waiting at the red light or something. A lot of people right side is tilting down. Anyway, I am still learning. So if you, if you're interested in other more detail, more exercise or tips more to balance the body more for symmetric symmetrical body and the face, please let me know in the comment below. And oh, as always, if you haven't got this yoga paper, please do so it's free download on my website kokofaceyoga.com and the book and sugar oil is available and we launched five new five new exercises on the app. So please try it. It's free and yeah .
Thank you so much. See you in the next video, bye.