Facial Chiropractic™

Facial Chiropractic treatment on a patient, enhancing facial symmetry.

At Koko Face Yoga,

We offer expert facial consultation and analysis to assess your unique needs. Our specialists carefully evaluate your facial structure and provide personalized recommendations to help you achieve a more symmetrical, lifted, and rejuvenated appearance. 

For those seeking Facial Chiropractic™ care for facial alignment, we offer referrals to trusted, certified professionals who can perform the necessary adjustments. (ex. Dr. Satsuma)

Koko Face Yoga's Facial Chiropractic session with Dr. Satsuma in action.

The Perfect Duo: Facial Chiropractic™ & Koko Face Yoga

By combining this with Koko Face Yoga, you can maintain and enhance the benefits of your treatment for lasting results. Consultation + Yoga for Optimal Results.

Our consultation helps identify areas of improvement, and Koko Face Yoga serves as a supportive tool for long-term maintenance, ensuring that the improvements you gain through chiropractic care are sustained.

Contact Us

Koko Face Yoga's expert conducting a detailed Facial Chiropractic adjustment.
Close-up of a Koko Face Yoga Facial Chiropractic treatment in progress.
Koko Face Yoga specialist performing precise facial alignment on client.